About the Course
The History of the University of New Mexico (HIST220) offers students a fun and informative exploration of the history of New Mexico's flagship university. Students learn about the people, places, traditions, and pivotal turning points in the university's history. They explore UNM's historic campus by bike, take art and history tours, learn about UNM's unique architecture, and engage with current debates with the broader public about the meaning of UNM and the future of the research university.<
The History Department first offered the course in 2017 at the behest of the President of the University. In conjunction with the Zimmerman Library and Portia Vescio, the University of Archivist, students conducted archival research in the records of the school, and wrote original content for an interactive timeline of the university. Dr. Taylor Spence, the Department of History, and the Zimmerman Library are indebted to the wonderful support shown for this course by the university community, and look forward to future cohorts of students who will add to this website and also work on other interactive digital projects about UNM.
Iteration #1, Fall 2017

From Left to Right: Jacinto Montoya, History, '21, Dr. Taylor Spence, Department of History and Portia Vescio, University Archivist, Gwen Orr, East Asian Studies, ‘20, Jake Weber, Psychology, ‘19,Sophia Fletcher, B.S. Mechanical Engineering 2018, Lucia DeMartino, History, 2020, Jordan Melendez, History, 2021
Iteration #2, Fall 2019

(back row) Rudolph Leyaba, Riley Barber, Andrew Antoniolli, Jonathan Skroch
(second row) Vincent Sandoval, Phillip Chavez, Andrew Bohl, Red Hart, Caelina Garcia
(third row) Nathaniel Cooper, Deyanira Batrezchavez, Makayla Grijalva, Rory Thomas, Portia Vescio, Taylor Spence, Joseph Page
(front row) Christopher Beaudet, Matthew Hunter, Janessa Galindo, Corey Price, Aidan Miolano, Marianne Merz (not pictured, Michael Pino and Tyler Roberts)